English language arts

2 Romeo and Juliet Wordsearches
A brilliant starter activity familarising students with key words and characters from Romeo and Juliet through engaging wordsearches!

100 Creative Writing Prompts For Descriptive Writing
An excellent resource which comprises of a diverse image collection that students can use as prompts for their creative writing. Images vary from abstract art to breathtaking images of nature. Over 100 images to choose from!

Creative Writing Homework Booklet
An excellent resource that can be given for homework. This guide consists of different pictures/prompts that students can use to create a descriptive writing piece. Each picture has guided questions, a vocabulary bank and language devices they can use to develop their creative writing.

Paper 2 Question 4- Drill Music
An excellent resource focusing on the GCSE AQA English Paper 2 Question 4 (Compare and Contrast). The topic is drill music and is highly engaging for teenagers. Video clips, engaging extracts and sentence starters to help students compare and contrast articles

Paper 2 Question 5- Technology and Children
An excellent resource that can be used for GCSE English Paper 2 Question 5 focusing on the question “technology corrupts childhood”. A video clip to prompt discussion, mark scheme based checklist model answer and exam practise.

GCSE AQA English Language Sentence Starters
Sentence stems for each question on the GCSE English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2. A good prompt and visual aid that can be given to any students struggling on how to start a question.

GCSE Paper 2 Question 2 Summarising Differences Megan Markle
A lesson focusing on the different portrayals of Megan Markle in the media, Scope for debate, peer work and exam practise. An excellent way to help students identify similarities and differences using current topics!

GCSE Language Analysis Lesson-Hagrid
An outstanding lesson on language analysis focusing on Hagrid from Harry Potter. Consists of differentiated mark scheme objectives, peer work, video clip, sentence starters and exam practise.

Language Analysis Mat (Differentiated)
A resource that can be given to students who find analysis of quotations tricky, consists of guided questions and prompts to develop analysis and enable them to think critically

Language analysis lesson-Princess Diana
A thought provoking and engaging lesson looking at an article about Princess Diana. The lesson is based on paper 2 question 3 on the GCSE AQA paper however can be used for any analysis lesson

GCSE Language and Structure Keyword Printable Cards
List of language and structural features that can be cut out/laminated and handed to students if they need a reminder of important subject terminology

Celebrities and the media- Paper 2 Question 5
An engaging opinion writing lesson focusing on the media invading celebrity privacy. Scope for a fruitful and thought-provoking discussion. Video clips and model an answer.

GCSE AQA Paper 1 Question 4 (Miss Trunchbull)
An engaging lesson with a creative writing starter activity, visual aids, video clips and fun extract about Ms Trunchbull from Matilda. Fully differentiated and a good resource for evaluation question on the AQA paper

Paper 1 Question 5 Creative Writing Lesson
An excellent creative writing lesson with a fun and unqiue starter, model answer, mark scheme and assessment.

GCSE AQA 9-1 Revision Cards
Excellent revision cards for paper 1 and paper 2. Includes easy acronyms to help with paragraph formation, sentence starters, vocabulary banks, helpful hints and tips!